Making an appointment
How can I apply for counselling?
- in writing via the application form
- by phone (number +420 541 422 822)
- in person at our departments
Applications on behalf of minors must be filed by their legal representative. Students 18+ are required to file a request on their own behalf. Applications are processed by counselling centre´s social workers. No referral from a doctor or a school is needed.
Information required for application: - Reason of your application for examination (please try to describe the problem by your own words - this kind of description is more likely to be accurate, rather than trying to use professional terminology
- Basic information (full name, contact address, date of birth, name of school, grade, phone number, email address)
- Whether (and in what year) the child has been previously examined
- Whether the child has undergone any previous psychological, special pedagogical or other expert examination by other counselling centres
In case of any school-related inconveniences, we recommend to request filling and sending a school questionnaire by school (section Downloads).
How will I get to know when and where to come?
The date and place of your appointment will be confirmed to your email, by phone (as a text message) or post at the earliest three weeks before your scheduled advisory date. We aim to provide the closest date possible, however, expect a waiting time of at least 2-3 months due to a large number of requests. The summer holiday period extends the waiting period. Therefore, make sure to make an appointment well in advance, especially if you need a written report by a certain date (e.g. assessment of school readiness, entrance examination or graduation exams). Please, keep also in mind that some extra time will be needed for preparing written reports (max. 1 month).
What if the date of the appointment is not suitable or no longer needed?
If the proposed date does not suit you for a serious reason or if the reasons for seeking counselling service are no longer valid, please inform us as soon as possible (by phone, e-mail or in person). Your appointment will be rescheduled or cancelled respectively. An early notice will help us make our services more efficient and reduce waiting times for all clients, including you.
Do you want to visit us?
Contact us or order online.